PRESS [email protected] of a fu of a fu ne ral ne ral temptress temptress Behest me A fu ne ral A fu ne ral hark thou't hark murderess murd eress de vil fe ral grief fe ral grief with me with me Po ppae a Po ppae a Be hell's hap laid the bel Way laid the bel bold dame bold nig- -ga- The nig- -gard -ard Lau ghing tra ge the- -e dy we- -ench doth And the Bald ness to wench doth blo- -o- -ow Bald ness to my a blow blow da- -a- mant blow blow Su ffer me to trans fix To trans fix thee And the To trans fix wench doth thee Bald ness to Let me- -e blow blow dote thine twain and blow blow thine them apart Of mar- -row do Of mar- -row do na mell na mell I am Mo relle I am Mo relle The bo som'd Ti The bos om'd Ti ti vil ti vil Tra vail me Tra vail me a fain Sub due me with Sub due me with thine lote thine loth In one ness In one ness haste yet Dis plode me in Dis plode me in a font a font Po ppae a Po ppae a do what thou wi- Do what thou wilt -ilt And the- -e we- -ench doth And the Bald ness to wench doth blo- -o- -ow bald ness to Stay my a blow blow da -a- -mant blow blow Suf- -fer me to trans fix To trans fix thee And the To trans fix wench doth thee bald ness to Let me- -e blow blow dote thine twain and blow blow twine them apart Po ppae a Po ppae a Po ppae a Po ppae a Ooh And the- -e we- -ench doth And the Bald ness to wench doth blo- -o- -ow bald ness to Stay my a blow blow da- -a- -mant blow blow Suf- -fer me to trans fix To trans fix thee To trans fix And the (Eh...) To trans fix wench doth thee To trans fix bald ness to thee Let me- -e blow blow dote thine twain and blow blow twine them And the- -e we- -ench doth And the Bald ness to wench doth blo- -o- -ow bald ness to Stay my a blow blow da- -a- -mant blow blow Suf- -fer me to trans fix To trans fix thee To trans fix And the (Eh...) To trans fix wench doth thee To trans fix bald ness to thee Let me- -e blow blow dote thine twain and blow blow twine them apart