Pret- -ty ������ Wo- -man, walk- -in' down the street. Pret- -ty Wom- -an kind I'd like to meet, Pret- -ty Wo- -man I don't be- -lieve you! you're not the truth! No one could look as good as you! �������� (Mercy!) Pret- -ty ������ Wom- -an, won't you par- -don me? Pret- -ty, Wo- -man, I could- -n't help but see Pret- -ty Wo- -man that you look love- -ly as can be. Are you lone- -ly just like me? �������� (Rrrowwrrr!) ������ Pret- -ty Wo- man, stop a- while Pret- -ty Wo- man, talk a- while Pret- -ty Wo- man, give your smile to me! Pret- -ty Wo- man, Yeah, yeah yeah! Pret- -ty Wo- man, look my way. Pret- -ty Wo- -man, say you'll stay with meeee- ������ -eeee! 'cause I need you! I'll treat you right! Come to me Ba- -by. Be mine to- �������� niiiigh -iiiigh- -iiigh- -iiight Pret- -ty ������ Wo- man, don't walk on by. Pretty Wo- man don't make me cry Pret- -ty Wo- man, don't walk a- -wa- -ay, Hey! O. K.! If that's the way it must be, O. K.! I guess I'll go on home it's late! There'll to- mor- -row night, but wait! What do I see?!! Is she walk- -in' back to me? Yeaahh! She's walk- -in' back to ME!! Oooo- -ooh, Pret- -ty Wo- -man