VERSE VERSE VERSE VERSE I can't wait much long er re venge is o ver due you VERSE took your chance and screwed me way back in eight y two in side my hate is burn ing my brain on o ver load my in no cence is o ver now i'm read to ex plode i'm PRE PRE PRE PRE gon na be your nem e sis i like it when you scream I'm the mother of your night mares got a con tract to re deem CHORUS CHORUS CHORUS CHORUS This one's for you right in your face Just sit on this and spin a round this one's for you you time is up stick it shove it where the shove it where the SOLO SOLO SOLO SOLO SOLO SOLO END END END END END END This one's for you right in oyur face just sit on this and spin a round This one's for you no one but you stick it Shove it where the sun don't shine