Ma- ry, Ma- ry where're you go- ing to Ma- ry, Ma- ry Can I go too This one thing, I would wow ya I'd ra- ther die than to live with- out ya Ma- ry, Ma- ry, where're you go- ing to Ma- ry, Ma- ry, tell me tru- ly What did I do, to make you leave me What- e- ver it was, I did not mean to, you know I ne- ver would try to hurt ya Ma- ry, Ma- ry, where're you go- ing to What more Maaaary can I do To prove that my looove tru- ly yours, I've done more now than clear would do. Ma- ry, Ma- ry, it's not o- ver Wherever go, I will fo- llow 'Til I win your love a- gain, and what be- sides, you be- long to, then Ma- ry, Ma- ry, where're you go- ing to Ma- ry, Ma- ry, Where're you go- ing to Ma- ry where're go- ing to Ma- ry, Ma- ry, Ma- ry where're you go- ing to