Oh Oh Ah Ah A- -lone Oh Oh Ah Ah A- -lone Hey man tell me what were thin- -king what the hell were say- -ing oh come now stop and think about it hey now may- -be you should lis- -ten may- -be you should tal- -king for a sec- -ond shut up lis- -ten me you're ob- -vi- -ous you're ob- -li- -vi- -ous and now you won- -der why you're the one a- -lone So don't -po- -lo- -gize but you don't e- -ven re- -a- -lize you're up this time and you're the one a- -lone Oh Oh Ah Ah A- -lone Oh Oh Ah Ah A- -lone Hey bro I'm just trying to let you know you real- -ly think that you're spe- -cial oh come now I've seen so much bet- -ter hey there did you actually that I care don't know you want to go there oh come now keep on keep drea- -ming you're ob- -vi- -ous you're ob- -li- -vi- -ous and now you won- -der why you're the one a- -lone So don't -po- -lo- -gize but you don't e- -ven re- -a- -lize you're up this time and you're the one a- -lone If you want to be my oh oh oh you know you can't play games and you know mean oh I'm sor- -ry oh but you don't oh get my oh my oh oh oh oh I'm gone oh you're still oh drea- -ming oh a- -bout me over and over and over and over again you're ob- -vi- -ous you're ob- -li- -vi- -ous and now you won- -der why you're the one a- -lone you're the one a- -lone So don't -po- -lo- -gize but you don't e- -ven re- -a- -lize you're up this time and you're the one a- -lone alone you're ob- -vi- -ous ob- -vi- -ous you're ob- -li- -vi- -ous -li- -vi- -ous and now you won- -der why you're the one a- -lone alone So don't -po- -lo- -gize -po- -lo- -gize but you don't e- -ven re- -a- -lize you're up this time and you're the one a- -lone Oh Oh Ah Ah A- -lone Oh Oh Ah Ah A- -lone Oh Oh Ah Ah A- -lone Oh Oh Ah Ah Alone Alone