Dead In- -side Re- -vere a million prayers and draw me in- -to your ho- -li- -ness but there's no- -thing there light on- -ly shines from those who share un- -leash a million drones and con- -fine me then e- -rase me, babe Do you have no soul? It's like it died long a- -go Your lips feel warm to the touch You can bring me back to life On the out- -side you're a- -blaze and a- -live but you're dead in- -side You're free to touch the sky whilst I am crushed and pul- -ver- -ized be- -cause you need con- -trol now I'm the one who's let- -ting go You like to give an inch whilst I am giv- -ing in- -fin- -i- -ty but now I've got nothing left you have no cares and I'm be- -reft Your skin feels warm to caress I see ma- -gic in your eyes On the out- -side you're a- -blaze and a- -live but you're dead in- -side Feel me now Hold me please I need you to see who I am o- -pen up to me Stop hid- -ing from me It's hurt- -ing, babe On- -ly you can stop the pain Don't leave me out in cold Don't leave me out to die I gave you ev- -ery- -thing I can't give you a- -ny more now I've be- come just like you My lips feel warm to the touch But my words seem so a- -live My skin is warm to caress I'll con- -trol and hyp- -no- -tize You've taught me to lie with- -out a trace and to kill with no re- -morse On the out- -side I'm the great- -est guy now I'm dead in- -side