Help me, I've fallen on the in- -side. I tried to change the game; I tried to in- -fil- -trate, but now I'm losing. Men in cloaks al- -ways seem to run the show. Save me from the ghosts and sha- -dows before they eat my soul Mer- -cy! Mer- -cy! Show me mer- -cy from the pow- -ers that be. Show me mer- -cy! Can someone res- -cue me? Ab- -sent gods and silent ty- -ran- -ny; We're go- -ing under, Hyp- -no- -tised by another pup- -pe- -teer, And tell me why the men in cloaks al- -ways have to bring me down. Run- -ning from the ghosts and sha- -dows the world just dis- -a- -vows Mer- -cy! Mer- -cy! Show me mer- -cy from the pow- -ers that be. Show me mer- -cy! Can someone res- -cue me? Show me mer- -cy... Show me mer- -cy, please. Help me, I've fallen on the in- -side and all the men in cloaks try- -ing to de- -vower my soul Show me mer- -cy from the pow- -ers that be. Show me mer- -cy from the gut- -less and mean. Show me mer- -cy from the kill- -ing ma- -chines. Show me mer- -cy! Can someone res- -cue me?