You were ne- -ver tru- -ly loved You have on- -ly been be- -trayed You were ne- -ver tru- -ly nur- -tured By chur- -ches of the state You were left un- -pro- -tec- -ted To these wild and fra- -gile lands But you can rise up like a God On your- -self you can be strong You can build a nu- -clear pow- -er Trans- -form the Earth to your de- -sire Free your mind from false be- -liefs You can be the co- -mman- -der in chief You can hide your true mo- -tives To dis- -man- -tle and des- -troy Now you fin- -ally have the code I have giv- -en you the code There's no coun- -try left To love and che- -rish it's gone it's gone for good It's you and me babe sur- -vi- -vors To hunt and ga- -ther me- -mo- -ries of the great na- -tion we were There're no coun- -tries left To fight and con- -quer I think I des- -troyed them all It's hu- -man na- -ture the grea- -test hun- -ter will sur- -vive a- -lone with no one left to love ad There's no cul- -ture left To love and che- -rish it's gone you know it's gone for good a tri- -lli- -on mem- -ories lost in space and time for- -e- -ver- -more I just wan- -ted I just nee- -ded to be loved