You were my op- -press- -or and I I have been pro- -grammed to -bey. And now you are my hand- -ler and I I will ex- -e- -cute your de- -mands. Leave me a- -lone. I must dis- -so- -ci- -ate from you. YEAH Be- hold my trance form- -a- -tion and you are em- -pow- -ered to do as you please. My mind was lost in trans- -la- -tion and my heart has be- -come a cold and im- -pass- -ive ma- -chine. Leave me a- -lone. I must dis- -so- -ci- -ate from you YEAH I won't let you con- -trol my fee- -lings an- -y- -more and I will no long- -er do as I am told. And I am no long- -er a- -fraid to walk a- -lone. Let me go. Let me be. I'm es- -ca- -ping from your grip. You will ne- -ver own me a- -gain! YEAH