Intro Lurking in darkness where 1st no one may go hatred breeds in your mind consciously heartless your blood running cold your evils begun to unwind............ Lost in confusion your 2nd plotting unfolds.............. madness starts to take shape......... explosions and shootings out of control the innocent run to escape........ When all Bridge gone remains............... the last were and away................ Chorus You're the anti matter........... bloodbath mastermind............ human anti Bloodbath mastermind................. no one can say why you've 3rd taken this path murder has become your creed....... or how you became this psychopath......... the spawn of a demon seed................ The not now tell.......... all justice you hell....................... You're the anti matter bloodbath mastermind........ human anti matter...... bloodbath mastermind................... We for but taken you suicide........ could better You're the anti matter...... bloodbath mastermind............. human anti matter......... bloodbath mastermind........ You're the anti matter bloodbath mastermind human anti matter bloodbath mastermind..........................