Hard Rock Hard Rock Hal e lu jah! Hal e lu jah Hard Rock Hard Rock Hal e lu jah! Hal e lu jah Hard Rock Hard Rock Hal e lu jah! Hal e lu jah Hard Rock Hard Rock Hal e lu jah! Hal e lu jah This saints are crip- pled On This sin- ners Night Lost are the lambs with no gu- i- ding light The Walls come down like Thun- der The rocks ab- out to roll It's the A- rock- a- lyps Now bare your soul! All we need is light- ning With All we need is light- ning With pow- er and might Pow- er and might Strik- ing down the pro- phets of false Strik- ing down the pro- phets of false As the moon is ri- sing As the moon is ri- sing give us the sign give us the sign Now let us rise up in awe Now let us rise up in awe Rock 'n' roll Rock 'n' roll An- gels bring thyn hard An- gels bring thyn hard rock hal- le- lu- u- jah! rock hal- le- lu- jah! De- mon's and An- gels all ah! ah! one have arrived Rock 'n' roll ah! ah! Rock 'n' roll An- gels bring thyn hard An- gels bring thyn hard rock hal- le- lu- u- jah! rock hal- le- lu- jah! In God's cre- a- tions su- per- ah! ah! na- tu- rel high ah! ah! The true be- lie- vers Thou shall be saved Bro- thers and Sis- ters keep strong in the faith On the day of rock- e- ning It's who dares, wins You will see the Jo- kers and be the new Kings! All we need is light- ning With All we need is light- ning With pow- er and might Pow- er and might Strik- ing down the pro- phets of false Strik- ing down the pro- phets of false As the moon is ri- sing As the moon is ri- sing give us the sign give us the sign Now let us rise up in awe Now let us rise up in awe Rock 'n' roll Rock 'n' roll An- gels bring thyn hard An- gels bring thyn hard rock hal- le- lu- u- jah! rock hal- le- lu- jah! De- mon's and An- gels all ah! ah! one have arrived Rock 'n' roll ah! ah! Rock 'n' roll An- gels bring thyn hard An- gels bring thyn hard rock hal- le- lu- u- jah! rock hal- le- lu- jah! In God's cre- a- tions su- per- ah! ah! na- tu- rel high ah! ah! Wings on my back I got horns on my head my fangs are sharp and my eyes are red No quite no An- gel or the one that fell Now choose to join us or go straight to hell!!!!! Hard Rock Hard Rock Hal e lu jah! Hal e lu jah Hard Rock Hard Rock Hal e lu jah! Hal e lu jah Hard Rock Hard Rock Hal e lu jah! Hal e lu jah Hard Rock Hard Rock Hal e lu Rock 'n' roll Hal e lu Rock 'n' roll An- gels bring thyn hard An- gels bring thyn hard rock hal- le- lu- u- jah! rock hal- le- lu- jah! De- mon's and An- gels all ah! ah! one have arrived Rock 'n' roll ah! ah! Rock 'n' roll An- gels bring thyn hard An- gels bring thyn hard rock hal- le- lu- u- jah! rock hal- le- lu- jah! In God's cre- a- tions su- per- ah! ah! na- tu- rel high ah! ah! Hard Rock Hard Rock Hal e lu jah! Hal e lu jah