The times are chang- ing so fast I won- der how long it lasts The clock is tick- ing time is run- ning out The hat- red fills this earth and for what is worth We're in the end be- fore we know Thorugh- out the years I have strugg- led to find the ans- wer that I nev- er knew It strucked me like a mill- ion light- nings and I am here tell- ing you Ev` ry sec- ond of day it is com- ing your way fu- ture un- known is here stay Got to o- pen your mind or you will be led a- stray There's a time to live and a time to die But no one can es- cape their Des- tin- y Oh Look at the things we've done un- der the bur- ning sun Is this the way to car- ry on? So take a look at your- self and tell me what do you see A wolf in clothes of the lamb? Through- out the years I have strug- gled to find the an- swer that I ne- ver knew It strucked me like a mill- ion light- nings and I am here tell- ing you Ev` ry sec- ond of day it is com- ing your way fu- ture un- known is here stay Got to o- pen your mind or you will be led a- stray There's a time to live and a time to die But no one can es- cape their Des- tin- y Let your spir- it free through win- dow of your mind Un- chain your sould from hate All you need is faith I con- trol my life I am the One You con- trol your life but don't for- get your Des- tin- y It's time to say good- bye I know it will make you cry You make your Des- tin- y I know you'll find the way And out side the sun is bright The things will be al- right I will be back one day to you So please wait for me