Moth- er watch your chil- dren the ir- on fist of fear is rul- ing our lives It's not to late to change the course We can make this world a better place to be in How much more do we want un- til we're sa- tis- fired? What happ- ens when we have what we want Ac- quir- ing more still there's ne- ver e- nough We for- get those who real- ly are in need The end is near Or so they say Sell- ing guns for peace In- fi- ni- ty Where do we go from here? In- fi- ni- ty Where do we go from here? In- fi- ni- ty Where do we go? In- fi- ni- ty Where do we go from here? Guns spi- ting mes- sage og peace ev` ry where Is it real- ly that we don't care See mer- can- ar- ies of fear sell- ing love Tell- ing sal- va- tion comes from a- bove Arr- o- gance and fear walk- ing hand in hand We must see that theres much more to life than this Solo Mo- thers see your chil- dren Make us un- der- stand and help us to find the way The an- wers lie in- side They are locked in side the vault of truth for us It's time to spread the word a- round Be your- self and do what you want to do with your life Re- mem- ber you get just what you give You reap all that you sow you are in charge of your own life Where do we go from here? In- fi- ni- ty Where do we go from here? In- fi- ni- ty Where do we go? In- fi- ni- ty Where do we go from here You make your own way As long as you are here Find your place ine life Make your dreams come true There's so much more than this A mill- ion ways to live Un- lock the door To the un- i- verse with love Free your soul In- fi- ni- ty In- fi- ni- ty In- fi- ni- ty In- fi- ni- ty