oh the Tabbed mu- sic is in my blo- od you don't un- der- sta- and the mu- sic is in my blo- od you don't un- der- sta- and sleep- less nights at the sleep- less nights at the sleep- less nights at the black and white keys black and white keys black and white keys I'll let my I'll let my I'll let my fin- gers say it for me fin- gers say it for me fin- gers say it for me some- times my some- times my some- times my spi- rit's still so sca- spi- rit's still so sca- spi- rit's still so sca- red red red once I put it in a once I put it in a once I put it in a me- lo- dy it's so much me- lo- dy it's so much me- lo- dy it's so much more to me fate sealed more to me fate sealed more to me fate sealed I guess this is how I feel I guess this is how I feel I guess this is how I feel some- times I some- times I some- times I swear the ly- rics write swear the ly- rics write swear the ly- rics write me me me the ly- rics write the ly- rics write the ly- rics write me- e me- e me- a a a me- lo- dy a re- me- dy to me- lo- dy a re- me- dy to me- lo- dy a re- me- dy to calm me down you ne- ver calm me down you ne- ver calm me down you ne- ver did ap- prove of the did ap- prove of the did ap- prove of the fix I found fix I found fix I found bu- ry all the re- cords in the bu- ry all the re- cords in the bu- ry all the re- cords in the back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not loo- king I'll go dig them back loo- king I'll go dig them back loo- king I'll go dig them back up you can up you can up you can bu- ry my bo- dy in the bu- ry my bo- dy in the bu- ry my bo- dy in the back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not loo- king i'll go dig my- self loo- king i'll go dig my- self loo- king i'll go dig my- self up and up and up and I know all a- bout the I know all a- bout the I know all a- bout the drugs they have in- drugs they have in- drugs they have in- side the mu- sic side the mu- sic side the mu- sic I know I know I know I know I know I know I know all a- bout the I know all a- bout the I know all a- bout the drugs they have in- drugs they have in- drugs they have in- side the mu- sic side the mu- sic side the mu- sic and the and the and the prea- cher at church must have prea- cher at church must have prea- cher at church must have told you 'bout them too cuz you told you 'bout them too cuz you told you 'bout them too cuz you came home dead set on came home dead set on came home dead set on what you had to do you said the what you had to do you said the what you had to do you said the de- mons and drugs hide in de- mons and drugs hide in de- mons and drugs hide in rock and roll thugs if i rock and roll thugs if i rock and roll thugs if i wan- na grow up nice I bet- ter wan- na grow up nice I bet- ter wan- na grow up nice I bet- ter give the mu- sic up the give the mu- sic up the give the mu- sic up the me- lo- dy a re- me- dy to me- lo- dy a re- me- dy to me- lo- dy a re- me- dy to keep me right you ne- ver keep me right you ne- ver keep me right you ne- ver did ap- prove of my did ap- prove of my did ap- prove of my sleep- less ni- -ights sleep- less ni- ights sleep- less ni- ights bu- ry all the re- cords in the bu- ry all the re- cords in the bu- ry all the re- cords in the back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not loo- king I'll go dig them back loo- king I'll go dig them back loo- king I'll go dig them back up you can up you can up you can bu- ry my bo- dy in the bu- ry my bo- dy in the bu- ry my bo- dy in the back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not loo- king i'll go dig my- self loo- king i'll go dig my- self loo- king i'll go dig my- self up and up and up and I know all a- bout the I know all a- bout the I know all a- bout the drugs they have in- drugs they have in- drugs they have in- side the mu- sic side the mu- sic side the mu- sic I know I know a- a- I know all a- bout the ah ah drugs they have in- drugs they have in- drugs they have in- side the mu- sic side the mu- sic side the mu- sic oh the words un- wind my hands re- be- el I hide be- hind these notes too we- ell I I I can't pre- tend can't pre- tend can't pre- tend a- ny- mo- a- ny- mo- a- ny- mo- ore ore ore you're not lis- ten- ning you don't un- der- sta- a- and you're not you're not you're not lis- ten- ning lis- ten- ning lis- ten- ning you don't you don't you don't un- der- sta- a- and un- der- sta- a- and un- der- sta- a- and you're not you're not you're not lis- ten- ning lis- ten- ning lis- ten- ning you don't you don't you don't un- der- sta- a- and un- der- sta- a- and un- der- sta- a- and you're not you're not you're not lis- ten- ning lis- ten- ning lis- ten- ning you don't you don't you don't un- der- sta- a- and un- der- sta- a- and un- der- sta- a- and bu- ry all the re- cords in the bu- ry all the re- cords in the bu- ry all the re- cords in the back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not loo- king I'll go dig them back loo- king I'll go dig them back loo- king I'll go dig them back up you can up you can up you can bu- ry my bo- dy in the bu- ry my bo- dy in the bu- ry my bo- dy in the back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not loo- king i'll go dig my- self loo- king i'll go dig my- self loo- king i'll go dig my- self up up up bu- ry all the re- cords in the bu- ry all the re- cords in the bu- ry all the re- cords in the back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not loo- king I'll go dig them back loo- king I'll go dig them back loo- king I'll go dig them back u- u- up you can u- u- up you can u- u- up you can bu- ry my bo- dy in the bu- ry my bo- dy in the bu- ry my bo- dy in the back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not back- yard when you're not loo- king i'll go dig my- self loo- king i'll go dig my- self loo- king i'll go dig my- self up o- oh up o- oh up o- oh I know all a- bout the I know all a- bout the I know all a- bout the drugs they have in- drugs they have in- drugs they have in- side the mu- sic side the mu- sic side the mu- sic a- a- I know all a- bout the ah ah drugs they have in- drugs they have in- drugs they have in- side the mu- sic side the mu- sic side the mu- sic