Transcribed I was told a mil- lion times of all the trou- bles in my way, tried to grow a lit- tle wis- er, lit- tle bet- ter ev 'ry day. But if I crossed a mil- lion ri vers and I rode a mil- lion miles, then I'd still be where I start- ed, bread and but- ter for a smile. Well I sold a mil- lion mir- rors in a shop in Al- ley Way, but I ne- ver saw my face in a- ny win- dow a- ny day. Well they say your folks are tell- ing you 'Be a su- per- star', but I tell you just be sa- tis- fied to stay right where you are. Keep Yeah, your- self a- live, ooh, it- 'll keep your- self a- live. take you all your time and a mon- ey, hon- ey you'll sur- vive. Ow Well I've loved a mil- lion wo- men in a bel- la- don- ic haze, and I ate a mil- lion din- ners brought to me on sil- ver trays. Give me ev- ery- thing I need to feed my bo- dy and my soul, and I'll grow a lit- tle big- ger, may be that can be my goal. I was told a mil- lion times of all the peo- ple in my way, how I had to keep on try- ing and get bet- ter ev- ery day. But if I crossed a mil- lion ri- vers and I rode a mil- lion miles, then I'd still be where I start- ed, same as when I start- ed. Come on, Keep your- self a- live, ooh, it- 'll keep your- self a- live. take you all your time and a mon- ey hon- ey you'll sur- vive. Shake! Ow! Woh, Keep your- self a- live, oh, Keep your- self a- live. take you all your time and a mon- ey to keep me sa- tis- fied. P.M. P.M. Do you think you're bet- ter ev- 'ry day? No I just think I'm two steps near- er to my grave Come on, Keep your- self a- live, ooh, you Keep your- self a- live. take your time and take my mon- ey, keep your- self a- live. Come on, Keep your- self a- live, P.M. P.M. P.M. keep your- self a- live, all you peo- ple all you peo- ple. keep your- self a- live. Come on, Keep your- self a- live, come Keep your- self a- live. take you all your time and a mon- ey to keep me sa- tis- fied. Ooh, Keep your- self a- live, ooh, ooh, keep your- self a- live. all you peo- ple fade fade keep your- self a- live, fade take you all your time and mon- ey hon- ey, you will sur- vive, keep me sa- tis- fied, keep your- self a- live.