he's wal- king like a small child but watch his eyes burn you a- way black holes in his gol- den stare god knows he wants to go home chil- dren of the damned chil- dren of the damned chil- dren of the damned chil- dren of the damned he's wal- king like a dead man if he had lived he would have cru- ci- fied those all now he's stan- ding on his last step he thought ob- liv- i- on well it be- ckons us all chil- dren of the damned chil- dren of the damned chil- dren of the damned chil- dren of the damned now it's bur- ning his hands he's tur- ning to laugh smiles as the flames sears his flesh mel- ting his face screa- ming in pain pee- ling the skin from his eyes watch him die ac- cor- ding to plan he's dust on the ground what did we learn oh you're chil- dren of the damned your back's a- gainst the wall you turn in- to the light you're bur- ning in the night you're chil- dren of the damned like can- dles watch them burn bur- ning in the light you're bur- ning in the night chil- dren of the damned The The The The The