It's al- right to tell me what you think a- bout me. I won't try to ar- gue or hold it a- gainst you. I know that you're in'. You must have your rea- sons. The sea- son is call- in'. Your pic- tures are fall- in' down. The steps that I re- trace. The sad look on your face. The tim- ing and struc- ture. Did you hear? He f*ked her! A day late, a buck short. I'm writ- ing the re- port. I'm los- ing and fail- ing. When move I'm flail- ing now. And it'll hap- pen once a- gain. I'll turn to a friend. Some- one that un- der- stands. Sees through the mas- ter plan. And when ev- ery- bod- ies' gone and been far too long to face this on my own, well I guess this is grow- in' up. Well, guess this is grow- in' up. And may- be I'll see you a mo- vie sneak view. You'll up and walk by on the arm of that guy. And I'll smile and you'll wave. We'll tend it's o- k. The cha- rade it won't last. When gone I won't come back. And it'll hap- pen once a- gain. you'll turn to a friend. Some- one that un- der- stands. Sees through the mas- ter plan. And when ev- ery- bod- ies' gone and been far too long to face this on your own, well I guess this is grow- in' up. Well, guess this is grow- in' up. Well, guess this is grow- in' up. Well, guess this is grow- in' up. Well, guess this is grow- in' up. Well, guess this is grow- in' up.