the 20 This the Dear moth er, dear fa ther. The is What is this hell you have put me through? liev er, de ceiv er. Day in, day out, live my life for you. Pushed on to me what's wrong or right. Hi den from this thing that they call life! Dear moth er, dear fa ther. Ev 'ry thought I'd think you'd dis ap prove. Cur a tor, dic ta tor. Al ways cen sor ing my ev 'ry more. Chil dren are seen but are not heard. Tear out ev 'ry thing in spi red. In no cense. Torn from me with out your shel ter. Barred re al i ty. I'm liv ing blin ly. Dear moth er, dear fa ther. Time has fro zen still what's left to be. Hear noth ing, say noth ing. Can not face the fact I think for me. No guar an tee, it's life as is. But damn you for not giv ing me my chance! Dear moth er, dear fa ther. You clipped my wings be fore I learned yo fly. Un spoiled, un spo ken. I've out grown that fuck ing lull a by. Same thing I've al ways heard from you. Do as I say not as I do. In no cense. Torn from me with out your shel ter. Barred re al i ty. I'm liv ing blin ly. use Dont Here wah wah not wha I'm in hell with out you. Can not cope with out you two. Shocked at the world that I see. In no cent vic tim, please res cue me. Dear moth er, dear fa ther. Hid den in your world you've made for me. I'm seeth ing, I'm bleed ing. Rip ping wounds in me that ne ver heal. Un dy ing spite I feel for you. Liv ing out this hell you al ways knew.