Do un to oth ers what they've done to you But what the hell is this world com ing to? Blow the u ni verse in to noth ing ness Nu cle ar war fare shall lay us to rest Fight fi re with fi re End ing is near Fight fi re with fi re Burst ing with fear We shall Time is like a fuse short and burn ing fast Ar ma geddon is here like said in the past Fight fi re with fi re End ing is near Fight fi re with fi re Burst ing with fear Soon to fill our lungs the hot winds of death The gods are laugh ing so take your last breath Fight fi re with fi re End ing is near Fight fi re with fi re Burst ing with fear Fight fi re with fi re Fight fi re with fi re Fight fi re with fi re Fight fi re with fi re Fight fi re with fi re Fight fi re with fi re Fight fi re with fi re Fight fi re with fi re Fight! Fight! Guilt y as charged but damn it ain't rght there's controlling me Death in the air strapped this can't happening to me Who made you God to say I'll take your life from you Flash be fore my eyes Now it's time to die Burn ing in my brain I can feel the flame Wait for the sign to flick switch it's the be ginning end Sweat as I watch consciousness's friend My fin gers grip with fear what am I do ing here? Flash be fore my eyes Now it's time to die Burn ing in my brain I can feel the flame Some one help me oh please help me they're I don't want to die Some one help me oh please help me they're I don't want to die Time mov ing slow the min utes seems hours the fi nal cur tain call I see How true is this? just get it o ver with if this is true just it be Wak ened by hor rid scream freed from this frightening Flash be fore my eyes Now it's time to die Burn ing in my brain I can feel the flame Make hill in the ly day constant chill deep side Shouting gun on they run through less grey On fight for Yes but who's to say? For hill men kill Why? not know Suffered wounds pride Men five still live through ing glow Gone sane from the pain that sure ly know For the bell tolls Time on For whom the bell tolls Take look to the sky just be fore you die It's the last time will Blackened roar mas sive roar fills the crum bling Shattered goal fill with a ruth less cry Stranger now are his eyes to this mys ter y hears si lence loud Crack dawn all gone ex cept the will to be Now see what blin eyes to see For the bell tolls Time on For whom the bell tolls Life it seems will a way drift ing fur ther ev' ry day Getting lost within my self noth ing mat ters no one else I have the will to live simply noth ing more to give There noth ing more for me Need to set me free Things they used to be miss ing one in of me Deathly lost this be real cannot stand this hell I feel Emp ti ness is feel ing me to the point of ag o ny Growing ness tak ing dawn I was me but now is gone No one but me can save my self but it's too late Now can't think try Yes ter day seems as though nev er ex ist ed Death me now bye w/wah I don't know how to live through this hell wok en up I'm still locked this shell Fro zen soul fro zen down to the core break the ice I can't take an y more Freezing (freezing) can't move at all screaming (screaming) can't hear my call I am dy ing to live cry out I'm trapped der ice w/wah Crys tal lized as I lay here and rest eyes of glass stare rect ly at death From deep sleep I have bro ken a way no one knows no one hears what I say Freezing (freezing) can't move at all screaming (screaming) can't hear my call I am dy ing to live cry out I'm trapped der ice (Scream) from my soul (Fate) mys ti fied (Hell) for ev er more (Scream) from my soul (Fate) mys ti fied (Hell) for ev er more No re lease from cry on ic state what is this I've been strick en by fate Wrapped cannot move can't break free hand of doom has a tight grip on me Freezing (freezing) can't move at all screaming (screaming) can't hear my call I am dy ing to live cry out I'm trapped der ice Freezing (freezing) can't move at all screaming (screaming) can't hear my call I am dy ing to live cry out I'm trapped der ice Feel pain but my life ain't eas y I know best friend No cares but so much stronger I'll To es cape from true false world Un tin y Can't end less circle Ring pi di ty Out for my own out to be free One with my mind They just can't see No need to hear things that they say Life's for my own to live my own way Rape and stroy my feelings Don't do I don't I'm on my side And Feed so called Who right? Break common See Out for my own out to be free One with my mind They just can't see No need to hear things that they say Life's for my own to live my own way See them try to bring the ham mer down No damn chains can hold me to the ground Life's for my own to live my own way Life's for my own to live my own way Life's for my own to live my own way Life's for my own to live my own way Slaves He brews born to serve to the phar aoh Heed to his ev 'ry word live fear Faith of the un known the de liv 'rer Wait something be done Four years So let it be writ ten So let it be done I'm sent here the chosen one So let it be writ ten So let it be done To kill the first born pharaoh son I'm creeping Now let my peo ple go land Gosh en Go I will be with thee bush Blood running red and strong down Ni le Plague dark ness three days long hail So let it be writ ten So let it be done I'm sent here the chosen one So let it be writ ten So let it be done To kill the first born pharaoh son I'm creeping Die by my hand I creep a cross the Kill ing first born man Die by my hand I creep a cross the Kill ing first born man I rule the mid night air the des troy er Born I shall soon be there dead ly mass I creep the steps and floors fin al dark ness Blood lamb's ted door I shall pass So let it be writ ten So let it be done I'm sent here the chosen one So let it be writ ten So let it be done To kill the first born pharaoh son I'm creeping