/w Ma- ma's got- ta prob- lem, she don't know what to say, Her lit- tle ba- by boy has just left home to- day. She's got to be the lo- ser in the end. She's got to be the lo- ser in the end. Mis- use her and you'll lose her as a friend. She's Ma on whom you can al- ways de- pend. Ooh, hoo. She washed and fed, and clothes and cared for near- ly twen- ty years and all she gets is "Good- bye Ma" and the overdubbed night- mare for her tears. She's got to be the lo- ser in the end. She's got to be the lo- ser in the end. Mis- use her and you'll lose her as a friend. She's Ma on whom you can al- ways de- pend. Ooh, hoo, oooh. But here you're talk- ing now w/ So lis- ten moth- ers ev- Echo 'ry- where to just one moth- er's son You'll get for- gotten in the end, if you don't let them have their fun. For- get re- grets and just re- mem- ber it's not so long since you were young. You're bound to be the lo- ser in the end. You're bound to be the lo- ser in the end. They choose their new shoes that's not far to bend. You're Ma on whom they can al- ways de- pend. Ooh, hoo, oooh. pull hammer pull hammer