tempo tempo I go out to work on mon- day morn- ing. Tues- day I go off to ho- ney- moon. I'll be back a- gain be- fore it's time for sun- ny- down, I'll be la- zing on a Sun- day Af- ter- noon. Bi- cy- cling on ev- ery Wed- nes- day e- vening Thurs- day I go walt- zing to the Oooh. Oooh. Zoo I come from Lon- don town, I'm just an or- di- na- ry guy, Fri- days I go pain- ting in the Fri- days I go pain- ting in the Fri- days I go pain- ting in the Louv- re. I'm Louv- re. Louv- re bound to be pro- po- sing on a Sat- ur- day night I'll be There he goes a- There he goes a- la- zing on a Sun- day gain. gain. la- zing on a Sun- day Ooh. Ooh. la- zing on a Af- ter- Ooh. Sun- day. Ooh. Sun- day. noon.