Tick He's a fai- ry fel- ler. Voice-effect The fai- ry folk have ga- thered round the new moon shine to see the fel- ler crack a nut at night's noon time to swing his axe he swears, as it climbs he dares to de- li- ver... the master stroke Plogh- man, "Wagg- on- ner Will" Plogh- man "Wagg- on- er Will" and types po- li- and types po- li- ti- cian with se- na- ti- cian with se- na- to- rial Pipe. He's a dil- to- rial pipe ly- dal- ly- o. Pe- da- gogue squin- ting Pe- da- gogue squin- ting wears a frown and a wears a frown and a sa- tyr peers un- der sa- tyr peers un- der la- dy's gown. dir- ty la- dy's gown, fel- low oh. what a dir- ty lad- di- o. Tat- ter- de- ma- lion and a Tat- ter- de- ma- lion and a jun- ke- ter There's a jun- ke- ter there's a thief and a dra- gon- fly thief and a dra- gon- fly trum- pe- ter He's my trum- pe- ter. he- ro Aaaah. Fai- ry dan- dy Fai- ry dan- dy La- la, ti- cke- ling the fan- cy ti- cke- ling the fan- cy la- la, of his La- dy friend, of his la- dy friend la- la- la- la- Nymph in nymph in la- la- la. yel- low. "can we see the What a quae- re Mas- ter- Stroke" fel- low. Bell Aaaaaahhh. Aaaah. Aaaah. Aaaah. Aaaah. Aaaah. Aaaah. Aaaah. Aaaah. Aaaah. Aaaah. Aaaah. Sol- dier, sai- lor thin- ker tai- lor, plough- boy, wai- ting to hear the sound. And the arch- ma- gi- cian pre- sides he is the lea- der Ob- er- O- be- Ob- er- on and Ti- ta- ni- a ron and Ti- ta- ni- a La- la- la. on and Ti- ta- ni- a watched by a har- ri- dan watched by a har- ri- dan La- la- la. watched by a har- ri- dan Mab is the Queen and there's a Mab is the Queen and there's a La- la- la. Mab is the Queen and there's a good a- po- the- ca- ry- man good a- po- the- ca- ry- man La- la- la. good a- po- the- ca- ry- man come to say hel- lo. Oooh. Fai- ry dan- dy Fai- ry dan- dy ti- cke- ling the fan- cy ti- cke- ling the fan- cy of his la- dy friend, of his la Aaaaa. in dy. yel- low What a quae- re fel- low. The ost- ler stares with The ost- ler stares with The ost- ler stares with Aah. Aah. hands on his knees, come hands on his knees, come hands on his knees, come Aah. on Mis- ter Fel- ler, crack it on Mis- ter Fel- ler crack it on Mis- ter Fel- ler crack it Aah. Aah. op- en if you please. op- en if you please. op- en if you please. Aah. Aah. Aah. Aah. Aah. Aah. Aah. Aah.