Please Anette's Pizzicato String Marco's Once u- pon a time in a day- mare dy- ing to meet you litt- le child en- ter en- ter this side- show Time for bed the cra- dle still rocks thir- teen chimes on dead- man's clock tick- tock tick- tock tick- tock The bride will lure you cook you eat you your dear in- nocence boiled to feed the e- vil in need of fear Bur- ning farms and sqeeee- eea- ling PIGS! A pool of snakes to swim with oh sweet poi- son bite me bite me Ladies and Be to And we tonight Restless Mindless Illusionists, Tightrope Harpsichord Piano Strings String Horde of Horde of spi- ders spi- ders clo- set clo- set tetnacles tetnacles lau- ghing lau- ghing har- pies with their har- pies with their ta- lons ripp- ing ta- lons rip- ping sher- chiss per- vizz sher- chriss per- vizz The pen- The pen- du- lum du- lum still sways still sways for you for you such are the such are the darks here to show darks here to show you child in a you, child in a cor- ner fall- en cor- ner fall- en mirr- orrs all king- mirr- ors all king- dom in cin- ders dom in cinders Arabesque