Well he feels like an el- e- phant shak- ing his big gray trunk for the hell of it He knows that you're dream- ing a- bout be- ing o- ver hi- m Too bad your chanc- es are slim And it's not like mis- ter shook to get shy when they ask him who is un- der There must be some- thing deep down in the mid- dle down there He's not too eas- i- ly scared He's got friends but they have fear Who don't care too much if he just dis- a- ppeared Oh look see there he is now com- ing down the sta- irs Here it comes He pulled the mir- rors off his Cad- ill- ac yeah cause he does- 'nt like it look- ing like he looks back He talks like his op- in- ion is a sim- ple fa- ct Some- bo- dy grabbed his col- lar he cried the whole way home He won't re- mem- ber a thing till they start a- ga- in That's how it is till the end I'm not tab bing out this fill. Yeah