They come from the north they tra- -vel in dark- -ness pure e- -vil eyes with souls pain- -ted black like sha- -dows in moon- light dark crea- -tures lie ra- -pists and ki- -llers with blood on their hands thier souls shall be damned Mur- -ders and sin- -ners pre- -pair for a- -ttack and hea- -ven shall burn To- -get- -her we're bro- -thers in- -to the Dar- -kest ho- -ur fo- -re- -ver we stand in Glo- -ri- -ous whe- -ne- -ver at night- -fall I hear the roar of thun- -der call Hea- -ven shall burn when de- -mons co- -llide the lights turn to dark and si- -lence sur- -rounds me fear in the sky of fi- -re and flames the a- -shes are fa- -lling Where de- -mons fly ra- -pists and ki- -llers with blood on thier hands their souls shall be damned Mur- -ders and sin- -ners pre- -pair for a- -ttack And hea- -ven shall burn To- -get- -her we're bro- -thers In- -to the dar- -kest ho- -ur fo- -re- -ver we stand in Glo- -ri- -ous whe- -ne- -ver at night- -fall I hear the roar of thun- -der call hea- -ven shall burn when de- -mons co- -llide To- -get- -her we're bro- -thers In- -to the Dar- -kest ho- -ur fo- -re- -ver we stand in Glo- -ri- -ous Whe- -ne- -ver at night- -fall I hear the roar of thun- -der call hea- -ven shall burn when de- -mons co- -llide