Harsh choke choke choke From where the eye can see bey- ond miles, from the top of moun- tain high I found it shi- ning lying on the ground, blood- red like drag- on's tear it was The se- cond by pla- cing spoon on a stump from mag- pie's nest I ob- tained what a beau- ty met my eyes where sil- ver in day- light sparked From where great ri- vers run down by the o- cean, where winds weep and waves for- e- ver sing, from there I found the third on a reef, like bla- zing fire it was bur- ning like a live- ly gol- den flame Where the tree- tops reach out to the blue sky, from deep woods where no man- made path- ways go: from there, the fourth one, I did find, from in- side the trunk of a pine- tree on a moss- y bed scar- let glew, and I went on... Where the gob- lins once used to live Long be- fore our days At the end of ca- vern deep and dark, I found it, grey as a For dra- gon's scale you, my sweet- est wol- ver- ine, I forge Wreath of Sev- en Stars So that in times of dark- ness, it re- minds us of the glo- ry of our days! used chokes in ...this sounds let let this can possibly chokes From where the eye can see bey- ond miles, from the top of moun- tain high I found it shi- ning lying on the ground, blood- red like drag- on's tear it was The se- cond by pla- cing spoon on a stump from mag- pie's nest I ob- tained what a beau- ty met my eyes where sil- ver in day- light sparked From where great ri- vers run down by the o- cean Where winds weep and waves for- e- ver sing from there I found the third on a reef, like bla- zing fire it was bur- ning like a live- ly gol- den flame Bey- ond the hor- i- zon where the crim- son sun sets We will sail to- wards our ha- ven, if winds fa- vour and the storms let us go free, with sails of sil- ver, with helm of gold T'wards the cos- mic seas we sail The Wreath will guide our way, desc- en- ding glor- y of our days!