It's been such a fun- ny day I don't know why Wal- king on an end- less lane Life pass- ing me by To- mo- row is call- ling but I'm drag- ging my feet The sky is in- de- cen- tly clear But I can't stand the he- at Sleep wal- king in a haze stum- bling like a child Dra- gons I used to chase tease me from in- side The fu- ture's un- cer- tain just like yes- ter- day Memo- ries of hea- ven can't be tak- en a- way You know time fli- es And the re- bels one day they all go Ain't no mo- ney ain't no- bo- dy that can bu- y you peace of mi- i- ind Ain't no- bo- dy Ain't no- bo- dy That can bu- y you peace of mi- ind They say you learn from your mis- takes It's a lie My re- dem- ption has been staged Nume- rous times But the an- gels of pas- sion still taunt me in my sleep They keep thro- wing pe- tals and thorns un- der- neath my fe- et You know time fli- es And the re- bels one day they all go Ain't no mo- ney ain't no- bo- dy that can bu- y you peace of mi- i- ind Ain't no- bo- dy Ain't no- bo- dy That can bu- y you peace of mi- ind