Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Eh Eh The bloo- -dy an- -gle/ the sym- -me- -try. Your cheap ad- -he- -sive is- -n't hold- -ing me. My mouth is a gun I can shoot. I can show you the truth. And I don't need a rea- -son to lie to you! No pun in- -ten- -ded/ no pun- -ish- -ment. If I of- -fen- -ded you, you need- -ed it. I- -deas are the bombs in your mind, a fis- -sure in time. If you don't have a wea- -pon, you can't have mine! I can bleed, if I want to bleed. I can fail, if I feel the need. This face is my last con- -fes- -sion! This life... it feels like a pri- -son! Oh, I'm not a- fraid I'm gi- -ving in- -to grie- -van- -ces a- -gain! You're look- -ing at an ab- -so- -lute ze- -ro! I'm not the de- -vil, but I won't be your he- -ro! Eh Eh The ca- -ta- -ton- -ic the Echo sa- -cri- -ledge. Your pri- -ma- -don- -nas are a pri- -vi- -ledge. My god has a need to re- -act. It's as sim- -ple as that. It's bet- -ter just to set- -tle than face the facts. I can bleed, if I want to bleed. I can fail, if I feel the need. This face is my last con- -fes- -sion! This life... it feels like a pri- -son! Oh, I'm not a- fraid I'm gi- -ving in- -to grie- -van- -ces a- -gain! You're look- -ing at an ab- -so- -lute ze- -ro! I'm not the de- -vil, but I won't be your he- -ro! One thing that I can't stand, is when the min- -utes fight the sec- -ond hand. I'll waste a life- -times worth, just to cling to one more day! No fuck- -ing quar- -ter no pre- -mi- -ums. The world is stuck in de- li- -ri- -um! Man is a four let- -ter word. It's real- -ly ab- -surd, The hate is- -n't fake, it's just in- -ferred. Oh, I'm not a- fraid I'm gi- -ving in- -to grie- -van- -ces a- -gain! I'm down to ab- -so- -lute ze- -ro! An- -oth- -ther zea- -lot with the weight of the fuck- -ing world! Oh, I'm not a- fraid and I will let you down as I hold you in! You're look- -ing at an ab- -so- -lute ze- -ro! I'm not the de- -vil, but I won't be your he- -ro! Eh Eh Eh