Call you up In the mid of the night, like a fire fly with out a_____ light.____ You were like a blow- torch burn- in', I was a key that could use a lit tle turn in'.______ I'm so tired that I could- even sleep, so man y sec rets I could- n't keep.______ Prom ised my self I would weep, one more pro mise I could n't keep.___ It seems no one can help___ me now___ I'm in____ too deep___ there's no____ way___ out._____ This__ time I______ have real ly_______ led______ my self a stray____ Run way train Run a way train, nev er go in' back. Wrong way on a Wrong way on a one way track______ one way track.__ Seems like I should be Seems like I should get ting some where get ing some where some how I'm nei ther here nor the re.____ Can you help me re mem- ber how to smile, make it some- how all seem worth while?____ How on Earth did I get so jad ed? Life's mys- ies seem____ so fad ed.____ I can go____ where no____ one else can go_____ I know____ what no____ one else knows. Here I am just a drown- in' in the rain, with a tick- et for a run a- way train.___ And ev 'ry thing seems cut____ and dry, day___ and night,____ Earth___ and sky.___ Some- how I______ just don't_____ be lieve____ it._______ Run way train Run a way train, nev er go in' back. Wrong way on a Wrong way on a one way track______ one way track.__ Seems like I should be Seems like I should get ting some where get ing some where some how I'm nei ther here nor the re.____ Bought a tick- et for a run a way train, like a mad man laugh in' at the rain.____ A lit tle out of touch, lit tle in sane, it's just eas i er than deal in' with the pain__________ Run way train Run a way train, nev er go in' back. Wrong way on a Wrong way on a one way track______ one way track.__ Seems like I should be Seems like I should get ting some where get ing some where some how I'm nei ther here nor the re.____ Run- a- way___ train nev Run a way_____ er com in' back.__ Run a way_____ train Run a way____ train tear in' up the_____ track. Run a- way____ train, burn Run a way_____ train in' in my_____ veins.____ I run a way but it al ways seems the same._________