Re- mem- ber when you were young You shone like the sun Shine on you cra- zy dia- mond Now there's a look in your eyes like black holes in the sky Shine on you cra- zy dia- mond You were caught in the cross- fire of child- hood and star- dom Blown on the steel breeze Come on you tar- get for far- a- way laugh- ter Come on you stran- ger you leg- end you mar- tyr and shine You reached for the se- cret too - soon - You cried for the moon Shine on you cra- zy dia- mond Threat- ened by - sha- dows - at night- And ex- posed in the light- Shine on you cra- zy dia- mond Well- you wore out your- wel- come with ran- dom pre- ci- sion rode on the steel breeze Come on you rav- er you se- er of vi- sions Come on you pain- er you pip- er you pris- on- er and shine solo Double Begin Play No- bod- y knows where you are How near or how far Shine on you Cra- zy dia- mond Pile on man- y more- layers And I'll be join- ing you there Shine on you Cra- zy dia- mond And we'll bask in the sha- dow of yes- ter- day's tri- umph Sail on the steel- breeze Come on you boy- child you win- ner and los- ser- Come on you min- er for truth and de- lu- sion and shine