In a___ while_____ I'll find the time to make the sun- ____ light_______ mine________________ In a smile_____ I saw a sin-____ gle nee-_____ dle in ____ the______ sky______________ Wheeeling Soaaaring Gliiiding by________ On a hill________ a li-_____ tle man____ with ma________ ny shi-_______ ning_______ things______________ Shiny pool shi-__ ny car_______ __ shi-____ ny dia-______ mond_____ rings____________ Wiiiiining Diiiiining Shiiining_____ king______ And the eeea-____ gle flies in_____ clear blue skies______ breathing in_______ the clear blue air________ Back here on the ground a- no-______ ther dea___ ler coughs and dies___ And fif- ty more_____ come rooolling off______ the Ford pro- duc-_____ tion___ liiiiiiiiiiiiiine man______ Appea-____ like up in______ our on____ ____ the_______ sand_____________ In his hands____ A mo-____ pic-____ ture the crum-___ ____ bling_____ land______________ Screeeaming Scheeeming Mooovie man_______ we hold nose and see if some-_______ ____ thing______ blows_______________ eyes______ count to ten_______ and see the sun-______ ____ rise______ rise_____________ Cliiiimbing Hiiiiiigher To___ the___ sky______ Climbing all the birds a______ lake the dove___ that lies______ On the fin-____ ger of___ the king_______________ On high the eeea- gle spies____ the gli-________ ter of a gun______ And whee- ling in a_____ climbing he flies in- to the___ suuuuuuuun