Now let's be ho- nest to the world, this is where e very thing ends. Watch your mouth boy, shut up and lis ten what I say. Oh! You ain't more than all these mo ther fu ****. I will cut up e very sin gle fin ger of your hand... Now I'm go nna tell you what I rea lly want. No bo dy asked me, but to day It's my fu **** time. Let's get this par ty star ted, I'll show you what I mean. There is no fu **** time to talk with you a gain. All these words and emp ty pro mi ses. Pro mi ses, see my e vil face you will ne ver for get. Rrrraaah! You can not des troy my life You are no thing... Now let's be ho nest to the wo o orld... Now let's be ho nest to the wo o orld, this is where e very thing e ends, and e very thing ends to ni ight. And all of your sha me, will re ma i in. Now let's be ho- nest to the world, this is where e very thing ends. Watch your mouth boy, shut up and lis ten what I say. Oh! You ain't more than all these mo ther fu ****. I will cut up e very sin gle fin ger of your hand... So that's my time to scream it out loud. Split it out, I want my pre sent back. Can you feel we are go ing un der? We're go ing un der. This ship which is called our life, can not be saved. Dark est seas will take your life. Let's say good bye to the world. This will be the last words you will ever hear... I was gi ven up by tho se, who ne ver be lie ved in me e. We will ne ver be the same, be cause our sha me will re ma in. I was gi ven up by tho- se, Who ne ver be lie ved in me e. We will ne ver be the same be cause our sha me will re ma Now let's be ho nest to the in. wo o orld... This is where e very thing e ends, and e very thing ends to ni ight. And all of your sha me, will re ma i in. Now let's be ho nest to the WORLD!!