Take a pho - to graph,__ it 'll be____ the last.___ Not a dol - lar or___ a crowd _____ could ev - er keep me here.____ I don't have___ a past, I just have a chance. Not a fam - i ly or hon - est plea___ re mains_ to say: Rain, rain, go a- way.__ come a gain___ an oth - er day. All the world is wait - ing for the _____ sun. Is it you I want or just the no - tion of a heart to wrap a round so I _____ can find my way a round? Safe to say from here you're get ing clos - er now. We are nev - er sad 'cause we are not al lowed to be. Rain, rain, go a way Come a gain an oth - er day. All the world is wait - ing for the sun Rain, rain, go a way Come a gain an oth - er day. All the world is wait - ing for the sun To lie here un der you is all that I could ev ver do. To lie here un der you is all To lie here un der you is all that I could ev ver do. To lie here un der you is all Rain, rain, go a way Come a gain an oth - er day. All the world is wait - ing for the sun. Rain, rain, go a way Come a gain an oth - er day. All the world is wait - ing for the sun. All the world is wait - ing for the sun. All the world is wait - ing for the sun.