In the mid dle of the night just let your self a wake step to a win dow pane see how the will ows dance a round the la- ke take a mi nute to get dressed then sneak ac ross the floor now turn your walk man on put on the pho nes and fly out side the door ma gic ho ur has ar ri ved take your pains a way fai ry tales comes in in li fe just as you wish ed once u pon a day once up on a day run ac ross a clo ver mea dow wet your face with dew right with the fai ries down the emp ty lanes and see your dreams come tru- ue let your heart be free as much as you might e ver need wait 'till the mor ning rays sweep down the sta- ars and wake the slee py streets ma gic ho ur has ar ri ved take your pains a way fai ry tales comes in in li fe just as you wish ed once u pon a day yeah.... re mem ber how they call you nuts re mem ber how you stood the grief how ma ny tears you cri ed what pain you fe- elt but still tried to be lieve re mem ber how your heart was ble eding while you smiled but you still did not stop beli e ving you just could not give it up ma gic ho ur has ar ri ved take your pains a way fai ry tales comes in in li fe just as you wish ed yeah... ma gic ho ur has ar ri ved take your pains a way fai ry tales comes in in li fe just as you wish ed once u pon a day once up on a day once up on a day noises noises