Welcome to your li- -ife There's turning back Even while we're a- sleep We will find you Acting on your best be- ha- vior Turn you back on mother nature E- very- bo- dy wants to rule the world It's my own de- sign It's my own re- morse Help me to de- ci- i- de Help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure Nothing e- ver last for e- ver E- very- bo- dy wants to rule the world There's a where the won't find you (slide) Hold- ding while the walls come tum- bling down When I'll be right be- -hind you So glad we al- most made it So sad they had to fade it E- very- bo- dy wants to rule the >> world << >> << >> << I can't stand this in- de- ci- sion mar- ried with a lack of vi- sion E- very- bo- dy wants to rule the world Say that you never-never-never-never need it One headline why be- lieve it? E- very- bo- dy wants to rule the << (clean) world >> << >> (overdrive) O- ffer free- doom and no plea- sure No- thing e- ver last for e- ver (same E- very- bo- dy wants to rule the (disto) world **slide (inaudible)