They preach to the choir always in the permanent daylight They toss pa per tig ers from their perfect porcelain skylines Listen for the for the sound sound for the sound as it all comes as it crashing all down comes crash ing down Listen for the for the sound sound for the sound as it all comes as it crashing all down comes crash ing They preach to the choir al ways in the permanent daylight They toss pa per ti gers slightly from their shatterproof spires they light the world on fire just to watch it burn it'll be fun eral pyre but they never seem to learn they light the world on fire just to watch it burn it'll be fun eral pyre but they never seem to learn Listen for the for the sound sound for the sound as it all comes as it crashing all down comes crash ing down Listen for the for the sound sound for the sound as it all comes as it crashing all down comes crash ing down we paid the price we paid for the price with our blood with our blood with our blood with our blood paid with our blood (and our blood (and our blood (and our blood (and paid with our blood