Far a- way in a by- gone age when the sto- ries all were true Le- gends told by the men of old have brought us here to- day Le- gend tells a se- cret bu- ried deep in time A fate to free our people To free them from these crimes Lost be- neath the foun- tain A- cross the dis- tant sea We'll jour- ney there to- ge- ther In search of li- ber- ty Yeeeaaah! We board the ship to- ge- ther and sail in- to the night No land to see be- fore us We fol- low stars so bright Then the land is sight- ed Our jour- ney al- most done We leave the ship un- guard- ed The le- gend drives us on Through wind and rain we tra- vel on a- cross the land Guid- ed by the star- light to- wards the tern sands Far a- way in a by- gone age when the sto- ries all were true Le- gends told by the men of old have brought us here to- da- a- ay The foun- tain stands be- fore us Our mis- sion is com- plete We search be- neath the wa- ter A sword lies at our feet The sword will bring us glo- ry Our free- dom is as- sured We will re- turn to save our land from suf- fer- ing en- dured Through wind and rain we tra- vel on a- cross the land Guid- ed by the star- light to- wards the tern sands Far a- way in a by- gone age when the sto- ries all were true Le- gends told by the men of old have brought us here to- day Yeeeaaah! Through wind and rain we tra- vel on a- cross the land Guid- ed by the star- light to- wards the tern sands Far a- way in a by- gone age when the sto- ries all were true Le- gends told by the men of old have brought us here to- day Yeeeaaah!