tangled of all the trust brainfile technology drive__ show now who was it that said the was mainly all di_ vor_ ces and spare change let's le_ tha_ lize our slingshots and swallow you a light___________ the calm you a light___________ the calm the senior abroad i ripped pea in 3 of exile in spain__ where ger watch gi_ psy chi_ dren in e_ lec_ tric dre_ sses sane i hear live cre_ ma_ to_ ri_ ums smoke you a light___________ the calm you a light___________ the calm i drive a stick go_ tta it au_ toma_ tic oh e_ very body's ride some_ thing high life lived co_ matosed bring it in oh i hope a_ rrives mon_ day dry ice skid button strippers oh i have to die on sunday i rake in laundry ? ? ? ? oh who the i_ so_ la_ tor gotta roll cause am the i_ so_ la_ tor