blind oysters check we dutch dutch dutch redder on a whiter and em_ e_ ry is gi_ ving me a i'm flat you're beauti_ ful to look at when you freeze don't you've chosen as an ex_ tra in the mo_ vie a_ dap_ ta_ tion of the se_ quel to your a shady lane every_ body wants a shady lane every_ body needs one oh oh oh oh oh oh oh over it's everybody's it's everybody's it's everybody's it's everybody's the words but all want a shady lane _ glance don't soon being told to re_ cog_ nize your no not i'm island of such com_ ple_ xity stress surrounds _ in mu_ ddy peaceful cen_ ter of this tell me off in hotel lo_ bby right in of the boys and the o_ ver friend_ ly con_ cierge a shady lane every_ body wants a shady lane every_ body needs oh oh oh oh oh oh oh over it's everybody's it's everybody's it's everybody's it's everybody's the words but all want a shady lane _