go back to gold soundz and keep a_ dvent to yourself because nothing i like is it a crisis or a boring change when cen_ tral so essen_ tial it has a nice ring when laugh at low life o_ pi_ nions and coming to the chorus now i a_ dress my_ self 'cause se_ crets we cret cret cret cret cret back right now because never wanna make that's so_ cial ne_ ver ig_ norant believe what you wanna do and think that is a ma jor flaw when rise in the falling rain and stay round with les the o_ ver weapon's found i a_ dress my_ self because se_ crets cuz cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret back right now so drunk in the au_ gust sun and you"re kind of girl like because em_ pty and pty and never quaran_ tine past did mem_ ber in ber that eat you when gone and if i go there i there because sitting here too long i've si_ tting here long and wais_ ted ad_ vo_ ca_ ting that word for the last word last words all you've to waste