And Au- brey was her name a not so ve- ry or- -di- -na- -ry girl or name but who's to blame for a that would- -n't bloom for the hearts that ne- -ver played in tune like a love- -ly me- -lo- -dy that e- -very- -one can sing take a- -way the words that rhyme it does- -n't mean a thing ................ ............... And Au- brey was her name we triped the light and danced to- -ge- -ther to the moon but where was june no it ne- -ver came a round if it did it ne- -ver made a sound may- -be I was ab-sent or was lis- -te- -niing to fast catch- -ing all the words but then the mean- -ing go- -ing past........ ............... ............ but God I miss the girl and I'd go a thou- -sand times a- -round the world just to be clo- -ser the her than to me And Au- brey was her name I ne- -ver knew her but I loved her just the same I love her name wish that I had found the way and the rea- -sons that would make her stay I have learned to lead a life a part from all the rest if I can't have the one I want I'll do the best...................... ...................................... but how I miss the girl and I'd go a mil- -li- -on times a- -round the world just to she had been mine for a day