[Roaring] [Sighing] c [Whispering] c c I've seen you in dark- ness your face in a dusk your sil hou ette in a shades.... eyes gleaming full of lust you try to..... daz- zle me with your beau ty you try.................... to be- witch me when cold northwind blows I can smell your per- fume when frost bites I feel your lips on my neck I don't want to share my life oh no with you I want your and things we Noooooooooooooooo............................. you can not reach my love Soooooooo go......................... or be mis- tress of my dreams Nooooooooooo...................................... in my life there's room for you as you know............... your flesh is what want [Whispering] [whispering] [Roaring]