All that we could is just survive all that we can to help our- selve stay a- live All that we could is just survive all that we can to help our- selves stay a- live Ragged of ragged skele- tons they shuf- fle a way shouting smoking will cut down lucky ones I clutch the wi- re fence un- til my fing- ers bleed a wound a that hop- ing that the ror will re- cede hop- ing that to- mor- row we'll all be freed Sickness san- i- ty prayer to pro- fan- i- ty Days don't weak I hear of gun- fire at the prison gate are the lib- er- a- tors here do I hope or do I fear for my father and my brother it's too late but must stand straight Are ones a- live are on- ly human be- ings to sur- vive Are ones a- live are on- ly human be- ings to sur- vive I hear of gun- fire at the prison gate are the lib- er- a- tors here do I hope or do I fear for my father and my brother it's too late but must stand straight Are ones a- live are on- ly human be- ings to sur- vive Are last ones left a- live are on- ly human be- ings to sur- vive