To seek the sa- cred River Alph To walk the of To break fast on honeydew And drink the of Par- a- dise I have whispered im- mor- tal- i- ty the deep- est mys- ter- y From an an- cient book I a clue I scaled zen mountain tops of East- ern lands un- known Time and man a- lone Searching the lost Xan- a- du Xan- a- du To stand in the Pleasure de- creed Kubla Khan To taste new the fruits of life the last im- mor- tal man To find the sa- cred River Alph To walk the caves of Oh I will dine on honeydew and drink the milk of Par- a- dise Oh Par- a- dise A thousand years have come but time has passed me by Stars dropped in the sky Frozen in an ev- er last- ing view Wait- ing for the world to end wear- y of the night Pray- ing for the light Pri- son of the lost Xan- a- du Xan- a- du Held with- in the Pleasure de- creed Kubla Khan To taste my bit- ter Triumph as mad im- mor- tal man Nev- er more shall I re- turn Esc- ape these ice For I have dined on honeydew and drunk the milk of Par- a- dise Oh Par- a- dise