I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. When the ebb- ing tide re- treats a- long the rock- y shore- line it leaves a trail of tide pools in a short- lived gal- ax- y each mi- cro- cos- mic plan- et a com- plete so- ci- e- ty a sim- ple kind of mir- ror to re- flect up- on our own all the bus- y lit- tle crea- tures chas- ing out their tin- ies Living in their they soon for- get a- bout the sea Wheels spiral a pattern so grand and com- plex Time we lose sight of the way our causes their fects II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. II. A quantum leap forward in time and in space the u- ni- verse learned The mess and magic tri- umphant tragic a mechanized world hand Com- put- ter- ized clinic for su- per- or cynics who dance a syn- thet- ic band In their their world is fashioned No wonder they don't Wheels spiral a pattern so grand and com- plex Time we lose sight the way our causes their fects III. III. III. III. III. III. III. III. III. III. Science like nature must al- so be tamed with a view to- wards its pres- er- va- tion Giv- en the same state of in- teg- ri- ty it will sure- ly serve us well Art as ex- pression not as mar- ket cam- paigns will still cap- ture our i- mag- i- na- tions Giv- en the same state of in- teg- ri- ty it will sure- ly help us a- long The most the hon- est man will still sur- vive an- ni- hi- la- tion Forming a world state of in- teg- ri- ty sen- si- tive o- pen and strong Wave af- ter wave will flow with the tide and bu- ry the world as it does Tide af- ter tide will flow and re- cede leav- ing life to go on as it was