My un- cle has a coun- Verse Verse Verse Verse try place That no one knows a- bout He says used to be a farm Be- fore the Mo- tor Law And on Sun- days I e- lude the Eyes And hop the Tur- bine Freight To far out- side the Wire Where white cle waits Jump the ground As the Tur- bo slows a- cross Bor- der- line Run like the wind As ex- cite- ment shiv- ers up and down my spine Down his barn My uncle pre- served an old machine For fi- ty odd years To keep it as new has been his dear- est dream I strip the old Verse Verse debris That hides the shining car A brilliant red Bar- chetta From a better vanished time I fire up the wil- ling eng- ine Re- sponding with a roar Tires spit- ting gra- vel I com- mit my week- ly crime Wind in my hair Shifting and drift- ing Mecha- ni- cal mus- ic Adren- a- lin surge Well Hot me- tal and oil The scent- ed count- ry air Sunlight chrome The blur of the land- scape ev- ery nerve a- ware Sudden- ly a- head Verse Verse of me A- cross the moun- tain side A gleaming al- loy air car Shoots me two lanes wide I spin around with shrieking tires To run the deadly race Go screaming ley As an- other joins the chase Drive the wind Straining the li- mits of ma- chine and man Laughing out loud with fear hope I've got a des- perate plan At the one lane bridge I leave gi- ants strand- ed at the ri- ver side Race back the farm To dream at the fire- side