come in side my head come in side my brain feel my su ffe ring feel my de si re of re be lionnn we are blindddddddddd blindddd people people dependence handling stop to be a pu ppet stop your ab sti nence leave leave the cor ru ption the world poss sses you PO ssess me men ta lly death we will cryyyyyyyyyyyyy wolf leave it hy po cri sy do mi na tion this is the reign of cor ru ption in front of the world in flu ence i can do a ma stu rba tion ar ma ge don and des truc tion this is the hu man dam na tion sui side cau sed by the na tion blind vi sionnnnnnnnnnnnnn idem idem j�r�me=> we are people people dependence handling stop to be a pu ppet stop your ab sti nence leave leave the cor ru ption the world poss sses you PO ssess me men ta lly death