got Verse pic-- ture of your house and stand-ing by the door its and white fad--ed and look--ing pret--ty worn I the fac-t'ry that I worked sil-hou------ et---ed in the back the me---mo----ries are gray but man they're real-ly coming I don't Pre-chorus need be the king of the world as long I'm the he----ro of this lit-----tle girl---------------------- --------------- ------------------- Chorus heav--en is----n't too far a-----way------------ ------------ --------- clo--ser to it ev---er-----y day---- ------------- no mat--ter what your friends say--------- how I Verse Verse love the way you move and sparkle in your eyes there's co----lor deep in----side them like blue sub---ur---ban sky when I come at night and you're bed a---sleep I wrap arms a---round you so I can feel I don't Pre-chorus Pre-chorus need be a sup---er man------- as long you will al--ways be my big---gest fan----------------------- --------------- ------------------- Chorus heav--en is----n't too far a-----way------------ ------------ --------- clo--ser to it ev---er-----y day---- ------------- no mat--ter what your friends say--------- we'll find a- way--------------- yeah-- Solo Solo Solo now Verse lights go---ing out a--------long the boul--a--vard the memories come rush---ing back and makes pret--ty hard i've got no--where left to go and no one real--ly cares I don't to do but ne--ver giv---ing-- up on you heav--en is----n't too far a-----way------------ ------------ --------- clo--ser to it ev---er-----y day---- ------------- no mat--ter what your say I know find a---way----------- heav-en whoa---------------------------------------------- heav-en whoa---------------------------------------------- heav-en its far---------------- a----way whoa------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------------- yeah----------------------