o so its writ- ten son when all wa- ters and land you see all a- round came to biiiirth man an- d beast was one and the go- ds of the ee sky walk ed the fa- ce of eeeaaarth few free and inn- no- cent man stro- lled paths next tothose of beasts seeing no no signs but stars in knowing of day and night of rain and winds hun ger and fright but not of de- ath nor life sto- ry tells of ra- ging winds black clouds gathered up high and of light- ning stri- king from a bur- ning bloodred sky moun- tains crum bled to the sea earth shook the worlds collide end- ing the age of the gods giving birth to our time man lived and learned the seeeee.... -cret of steeel... ore of earth fi- re of sky for- ged is blade gods blood and I- ron blood and I- ron blood and I- ron blood and I- ron blood and I- ron blood and I- ron blood and I- ron blood and I- ron blood and I- ron so the age to learn and teach for man begins the power to know the blood and iron discipline and to tell the story how man was these kno- wing of past she will know of to morrow and man shall reign ev en con quer ot her worlds she will set sails on her star- ships sailing cross seas of black space and new gods the skies thee skies thee skies thee skies thee skies thee skies thee skies blood and i- ron