Light- ning crash- es, a new moth- er cries. Her pla- cen- ta falls to the floor. The an- gel o- pens her eyes. The con- fu- sion sets in be- fore the doc- tor can e- ven close the door. Light- crash- es, an old moth- er dies. Her in- ten- tions fall to the floor. The an- gel clos- es her eyes. The con- fu- sion that was hers, be- longs now, to the ba- by down the hall. Oh, now feel it com- in' back a- gain like a roll- in' thun- der chas- ing the wind. Forc- es pull- in' from cen- ter of the earth gain. I can feel it. Light- ning crash- es, a new moth- er cries. This mo- ment she's been wait- ing for. The an- gel o- pens her eyes. Pale blue col- ored i- ris pre- sents the cir- cle puts the glo- ry out to hide, hide. Oh, now feel it com- in' back a- gain like a roll- in' thun- der chas- ing the wind. Forc- pull- in' from cen- ter of the earth a- gain. I can feel it. I can feel it. Oh, ah. Oh, ah. Oh, ah. I can feel it com- in' back a- gain like a roll- in' thun- der chas- wind. Forc- pull ing from the cen- ter of the earth a- gain. I can feel it. I can feel it com- in' back a- gain like a roll- in' thun- der chas- wind. Forc- pull ing from the cen- ter of the earth a- gain. I can feel it. Yeah. I can feel it com- in' back a- gain like a roll- in' thun- der chas- wind. Forc- pull ing from the cen- ter of the earth a- gain. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it.